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my daughter's digital detox

Can you remember the last time you didn't have to answer to anyone for 48 hours?

My 16-year-old daughter is about to spend 48 hours on a solo...

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the stories we tell our selves

Do you sometimes feel like your voice isn’t as loud as you want it to be? Or you feel smaller than you actually are?

Do you feel stuck in a...

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do you do this 300 times a day?

Did you know that the average 4-year-old laughs 300 times a day, and that the average 40-year-old laughs that same amount in 2.5 MONTHS??



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cooking dinner is like yoga

Have you ever cooked dinner for your kids or partner and wondered what I was thinking last night?

It goes something like this:

- About an hour of...

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motherhood: the #1 most overlooked job

I thought hard about what I wanted for Mother’s Day when my family asked.

I said my wish was to have more time in a day. Time to clean the...

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here's to the moms

Whether you’re a mother, grandmother, have a mother, want to be a mother, love a mother, know a mother...

Happy Mother's Day!

Motherhood has...

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in the wise words of the subway vending machine

There I was, refilling my metro card in one of the least inspirational locations in NYC (the subway station) when BOOM, the universe spoke to me...

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my favorite parenting tip

Sixteen years and 6 days ago, I hobbled in pain down the 7th floor hallway at Cornell Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and read a sign that said,...

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lessons from a mosquito

My daughter Sydney reluctantly woke me up at 4am last night asking to stay with me because there was a mosquito in her room.

Bleary-eyed, I pulled...

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the mommy guilt myth

Insomnia is the worst, isn’t it? I remember this one night it wrecked me about 10 years ago.

It was 4am and I had yet to close my eyes. I lay...

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i found this in the desert

You know that feeling you get when joy overwhelms you?

I just took my first plane ride in over a year and it was what freedom feels like. 


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spring is finally here

This past weekend marked the first day of Spring.

How about a collective, FINALLY!!!

Holy smokes, I can even feel the “finally" feeling in...

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