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what i learned from a blue fish

This one blue fish kept looking at me while I was snorkeling.

Well, it wasn’t really looking at me, it was probably looking for food, but I...

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deep thoughts from my homeland

I’m writing from my homeland.

Sardinia, Italy.

Well, my family is from Sicily but I’m on the island right next door, so I think it...

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visiting your older self

Saturday was my dad’s 90th birthday. 90!!

I know I talk a lot about him, but this week he deserves it even more because he’s lived for...

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when was the last time you had "me time?"

I imagined how I would spend a few days without my 3 kids at home.

They’ve gone off to their respective summer programs but given the...

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the magic of my dad

I was thinking a lot about my dad on Father’s Day last weekend and how he drove us to school every morning growing up.

Every now and then,...

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animal messenger: ladybug

I was deep in conversation with my son Jack about all the reasons why recess, lunch, and dismissal are his favorite parts of school.

We were on the...

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junior year is HARD

Holy. Crap. Junior year in high school.

Do you remember the end of your junior year, complete with final exams and SATs and ACTs and the added...

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building houses in new orleans

It took about 4 minutes for my son to learn how to work the table saw and cut a 2-by-4 slab of wood by himself.

As I stood there frozen, watching...

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instruments out of trash

A few weeks ago, my son came home from school telling me he saw a video in his violin class about kids that lived on a landfill in Paraguay.


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i forgot my PANTS!

It was the night before my final ascent up Mount Kilimanjaro.

I was freezing, excited, nervous, dizzy, hungry, exhausted and feeling plenty of...

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animal messenger: frog

While living in Boston during college, my friends and I drove up to Maine one weekend to go on a hike.

If I don’t remember the name of the...

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mother's day cards

I was in CVS pharmacy yesterday looking for Mother’s Day cards.

This is what I found.

“I love you so much Mom!” - Pure love.


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