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are you finding time for you?

A few days ago, after turning on the wrong street because I was looking down at my phone, not paying attention, and doing exactly what I tell my...

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my playbook is here!

I couldn't wait to send you this email and finally let you know...

I’m launching my Playbook today!

This is not my book about Play (which, if...

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they're growing up way too fast

Sometimes I take a snapshot photo with my mind in an effort to freeze a moment into memory, usually for something I never want to end.

I did that a...

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don't wait to take that trip

Last week I was eating the most delicious mushroom-infused trout at La Tapera, a tiny restaurant on the edge of El Chaltén (you may remember...

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finding joy in patagonia

I’m in Patagonia, Argentina and I keep hearing laughter. The kind of from-the-gut-belly laughter that's contagious.

I think it's what joy...

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i turned 50!

I woke up early last week and I felt my bones seemed slightly stiffer than usual.

I blamed skipping my beloved yoga that day, and then I cursed the...

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i'm in the Sacred Spaces book!

Do you need a subtle shift? Or a major shift? I get it. Oh man, I need a major one.

It’s the new year tomorrow…and the last one was a...

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how play & shrooms are related

Last month, I decided all of a sudden that I wanted to take on a new hobby. Mushroom foraging.

Yes, foraging. For mushrooms.

I was marginally...

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how to achieve immediate stress relief

I was in a taxi with my 11-year-old Jack yesterday. It was a special outing to get him a new skateboard at Vans.

“I’m a tween now,...

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nyc marathon magic

My son Jack and I were at mile 25 of the NYC marathon last weekend waiting for our friend Liz to cross the finish line.

We were early, and spent an...

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playing the lottery

I used to feel badly for the people who bought lottery tickets every day.

I would throw out statistics in my mind like, “Don’t they...

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animal messenger: frog

Happy August! (how is it August…)

If you remember from one of my emails last month, I invited you to help me find July's spirit animal - the...

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