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nyc marathon magic

My son Jack and I were at mile 25 of the NYC marathon last weekend waiting for our friend Liz to cross the finish line.

We were early, and spent an...

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honoring Blake

Grief is inexplicable but I will try to process mine here.

This week I was going to write about the power of gratitude and unfortunately life...

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island school music program

Do you know the difference between a viola and a violin?

Exactly. Neither did I.

But my older sister Karen was already playing the violin, so in...

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we made up this holiday

Today is one of my twin girls' half birthday.

How is that possible?

Forever they will share their birthday, but their half birthdays? They each...

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does your piggy bank look like this?

Did you ever have a piggy bank?

Mine was bright pink and it was literally a pig.

Squiggly tail and everything.

I'd throw in coins and imagine how...

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becoming "uninterruptable"

So here’s the deal. For the last few weeks, I keep trying to become "uninterruptible."

I can’t stop thinking about this word ever since...

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change can help us grow

Why is it so hard to break a pattern - in a relationship or in the routine of our days - even when we know that change and newness can help us...

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disconnecting in paris

Have you ever been on vacation and completely, successfully disconnected from your worries in real life?

Maybe you have fun, but also feel...

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cooking dinner is like yoga

Have you ever cooked dinner for your kids or partner and wondered what I was thinking last night?

It goes something like this:

- About an hour of...

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motherhood: the #1 most overlooked job

I thought hard about what I wanted for Mother’s Day when my family asked.

I said my wish was to have more time in a day. Time to clean the...

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here's to the moms

Whether you’re a mother, grandmother, have a mother, want to be a mother, love a mother, know a mother...

Happy Mother's Day!

Motherhood has...

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my favorite parenting tip

Sixteen years and 6 days ago, I hobbled in pain down the 7th floor hallway at Cornell Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and read a sign that said,...

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