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how to control your energy

I was having a difficult conversation with one of my daughters yesterday (I don’t need to go into the details here but let’s just say that I have twin teenage girls and you get the rest).

What I noticed is that I was able to pull out of the conversation and almost observe us standing there talking, as if I was flying above.

And in that moment, I felt my energy shift into a more positive space.

I wasn’t as quick to anger and I felt myself going more slowly, consciously choosing the way I wanted to show up in that moment.

That’s not the first time in the past few months that I’ve noticed this awareness and “in the moment" energy shift. And it’s becoming a healthy pattern that I want to share with you.

I think a lot of it traces back to an energy assessment I took with the coaching program, iPEC.

My results helped me see my unique energetic makeup and better understand the lens with which I choose to see the world each day (and yes, we get to choose).

As a psychology major and self-proclaimed quiz junkie, I’ve taken a lot of assessments and personality tests. And I found this particular assessment to be an a-ha moment for me about who I am in the world and how I show up. And mostly how it’s possible to shift my energy with awareness and effort.

I believe this assessment could also help many of my coaching clients so I dove in to get certified. My certification allows me to conduct the assessment for other people now and I am officially…wait for it…a Master Practitioner in the Energy Leadership Index, or ELI-MP.

Sounds so fancy!

What it really means is that I can help you understand your energy levels and get conscious about them too.

It’s a 20-minute deep dive that takes you through a variety of questions about how you show up in different contexts. After, you’ll do a 90-minute 1-on-1 debrief with me.

Are you the selfless giver, caring for everyone around you? (Level 4)

Are you quick to anger? (Level 2)

Do you feel victimized by something that’s holding you back from deeper joy? (Level 1)

Are you connected to all beings and carry a sense of lightness? (Level 7)

You will see that you actually are mix of all 7 levels, but you live primarily in one. And this level will be different on a typical day versus when you are under stress.

After the debrief, you will walk away with a full report about your unique make up of energy, and an increased awareness of your specific triggers so that you can begin to get unstuck and make changes towards the areas of your life that need the most attention.

This knowledge is game-changing. After an ELI you will be able to pull yourself out of any negative situation, raising the energy of those around you too. Everybody wins.

What’s more is that you will get report about your levels of satisfaction in different areas including your family and intimate relationships, health and wellness measures, work/life balance, and more.

I promise that with awareness, you can shift your energy.

If you're interested in learning more, just hit reply to this email and I will personally tell you everything.

With fierce love,

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