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ballet hispánico

The other night I went to see Ballet Hispánico in NYC.

I wanted to go the moment I saw the ad because it includes two of my favorite passions: watching people dance, and listening to Latin music (that is only after actually dancing to Latin music, of course).

When I started writing to tell you about the show, I tried to find the right words and really, “wow" is an understatement.

My friend tried to pull up my jaw at the end but I just sat there dumbfounded at the talent.

The talent of the dancers, but also of the writer/choreographer.

I mean, who could possibly even think of the term “narrative ballet” let alone write an entire production of one?

It was a 2-hour dance about the story of Eva Perón, aka Evita, aka one of the few film roles played by my beloved Madonna, aka leader of the country where I chose to spend my 50th birthday hiding in the mountains...

It was excellent.

Did you know that you can tell an entire story without using words?

Those incredibly svelte, gorgeously constructed humans told a full story with their bodies.

As I sat in my seat, I felt like I do when I see a big open field of grass.

To me, that's an invitation to channel my former gymnast self and pull out a round-off-back-handspring before my kids hold me back, either from embarrassment or fear that I’ll crash on my head.

At the show, I wanted to jump out of my seat and start dancing with each one of them (especially the tall guy).

My former ballet/jazz/tap teacher Miss Kathy, who graduated me to be on pointe and finally let me wear those cool high-heeled tap shoes, would have been proud.

So would my tap dancing dad who was, in fact, a professional tap dancer and at 89.5 years old pulled out a little “shuffle off to Buffalo" two months after his surgery. Maybe it’s all genetic...

Whatever the reason, my friend had to restrain me in my seat from jumping on the stage AND pull up my jaw-in-awe at the end as we joined the standing ovation.

I want to share this with you because I felt my “Mover" play personality become inspired after the show.

I wondered how I could live out my love of dancing more often.

Meaning outside of the dance parties I throw with my kids in the kitchen thanks to the “30-second-dance-party” button we have from my friend Vanessa who likes a good dance club as much as I do.

I looked up adult dance classes in NYC and plan on signing up.

What’s your thing?

What inspires you to do more of what you love?

Are you doing it?

When was the last time you did something fun, just for you?

What’s stopping you?

Check out my Playbook for ideas and inspiration.

It’s easy and you can do it in your PJs. Or maybe even while dancing.

With fierce love,

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