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my hang gliding adventure

I was flying 4,000 feet over the tristate area a few years ago.

It wasn’t the NY-NJ-CT tristate area I know well.

And I wasn’t in a plane, or a helicopter.

I wasn’t even in a hot air balloon.

I was hang gliding above the Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama borders and I've never even walked in Alabama.

I had 3 main emotions.

First, “WTF?"

I’m a mother of 3 kids and all of a sudden I’m hanging from a string, 4,000 feet in the sky. I had nothing but a giant wing carrying me, and some guy from New Zealand strapped in as my guide.

Second, I thought, "I’m free!”

The feelings that led to “I can’t!” or “I definitely should not do this” swept away with the wind as rapidly as the mucus in my nose and the tears pouring out of my eyes. Talk about a cleanse.

Third, I wondered, “How will I find the words to explain this feeling?”

So here I am trying to explain it to you.

I am sure you’ve thought about trying something but then stopped yourself in fear of the outcome.

Or maybe because it was unknown to you.

Or maybe because it seemed crazy (like hang gliding).

Let’s apply this to anything you want to try, whether it’s a business idea, a book only you can write, or a part of your life that needs uprooting (from a room in your home to a relationship in your life).

It’s not yet been done by you, so envisioning it feels as scary as hanging from a string 4,000 feet in the air.

You’re suddenly forced to trust your gut, and the universe, and maybe even a stranger from New Zealand.

But how can you know what will really happen with your idea unless you try?

Would you rather toy with it and never take action? Or give it a shot?

Which feels worse?

Two of my clients recently proved their leap of faith was worth taking.

-Marisha took a desire to show her son the world and published a series of kids’ travel adventure books called the Globetrotter series.

What’s more, is that despite many hurdles - Covid, motherhood, doubts - Marisha keeps going and released yet another book this year that helps kids look at their own bodies, called Journey Within.

I remember working with Marisha on her plans and ideas and know that each book she publishes feels like jumping off a cliff to hang glide, praying it goes well but knowing that the ride itself is worth it.

-I met Tanya years ago through our Hey Mama network of working moms in NYC, and at the time she was a beauty industry expert. After losing her beloved dog AJ, she had an epiphany to combine her passion with her expertise and launched Divine Canine, a line of healthy dog shampoo products that dramatically transforms dog’s hair and skin.

Tanya essentially pulled an idea of out of thin air and made it real.

That’s harder than dangling 4,000 feet in the sky and yet she proves it’s possible.

What’s your 4,000 foot idea that makes you nervous and excited at the same time?

Share it with me! I love to hear your stories. Can you tell I’m proud of my clients?

And if you want a nudge to get started, or the energy infusion to help you expand and grow what’s already underway, I can support you.

You won’t have to hang glide, but you do have to be ready to fly.

With fierce love,

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